
Top 7 Alternative Investments Examples to Diversify Your Portfolio in 2024

Alternative investments examples in real estate, private equity, art, and venture capital.

In today’s ever-changing financial landscape, savvy investors are increasingly seeking ways to diversify beyond traditional stocks and bonds. Enter alternative investments, a broad category that includes non-traditional assets offering the potential for higher returns and diversification. For those looking to expand their portfolios in 2024, these alternative investment options are worth considering.

What Are Alternative Investments?

Alternative investments refer to assets that fall outside the typical categories of stocks, bonds, and cash. Unlike traditional investments, these often have different risk profiles, liquidity options, and potential for growth. While they may require more capital or expertise, they can offer compelling ways to hedge against market volatility and achieve stronger long-term gains.

In this article, we’ll walk through seven key alternative investments that are gaining traction in 2024, helping investors shield their wealth and capitalize on new opportunities.

Real Estate: A Tangible Investment with Steady Returns

One of the most well-known alternative investment options, real estate, remains a cornerstone for portfolio diversification. Whether through residential, commercial, or industrial properties, real estate has historically offered stable returns and a hedge against inflation.

Investors have various ways to enter the real estate market, from purchasing rental properties to investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), which allow you to pool your money with other investors to gain access to larger properties.

  • Why Real Estate Works for Diversification: Real estate is a tangible asset whose value often appreciates over time, making it a reliable long-term investment. Unlike stocks, real estate typically doesn’t exhibit the same short-term volatility.
  • Potential Drawbacks: Illiquidity can be a concern, as real estate transactions can take time, and initial capital requirements may be high.

Private Equity: Unlocking Access to High-Growth Companies

For investors willing to take on higher risk, private equity presents an exciting opportunity. Private equity involves investing directly in private companies, often those that are not publicly traded. By doing so, investors can potentially realize significant gains when these companies are sold or go public.

Private equity investments tend to have long holding periods, which means patience is necessary. However, for those who can afford the wait, the potential returns often far surpass those available in public markets.

  • Why Private Equity is Attractive: Private equity investments allow individuals to access companies in high-growth industries before they reach the public market, which can lead to outsized gains.
  • Challenges: High-risk and long time horizons are common. Additionally, minimum investment amounts are often steep, limiting access for some investors.

Commodities: A Hedge Against Market Fluctuations

Commodities—such as gold, oil, and agricultural products—offer a way to hedge against inflation and market volatility. Historically, commodities tend to move independently of traditional markets, making them a popular choice during economic downturns.

For example, gold is often seen as a “safe haven” investment, as it tends to retain its value even during turbulent economic times. Investors can access commodities through futures contracts, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or by physically owning the commodities.

  • Why Commodities Help Diversify: Commodities often act as a counterbalance to stocks, especially during periods of inflation or economic uncertainty.
  • Drawbacks: Commodities can be highly volatile due to geopolitical events, supply chain disruptions, or changes in government policies.

Art and Collectibles: A Niche but Growing Market

For those with a keen interest in the finer things in life, art and collectibles provide a unique and rewarding form of investment. From classic paintings to rare coins, fine wine, or luxury watches, these items have increasingly found a place in the portfolios of high-net-worth individuals.

While the value of art and collectibles can increase substantially over time, they require a deep understanding of the market and a certain degree of passion. Art Investment Funds and online marketplaces have made it easier for everyday investors to get involved in this niche.

  • The Allure of Art and Collectibles: Art can offer high returns, especially when pieces from well-known artists or rare collectible items come into demand.
  • Challenges: These assets are often illiquid and may take time to appreciate. Additionally, the value of art is subjective, meaning returns can be unpredictable.

Venture Capital: Fueling Innovation and Early-Stage Businesses

Venture capital is an exciting option for investors seeking to fund innovative startups in their early stages. While these investments carry significant risk, the potential rewards can be staggering when the startup becomes a success, leading to substantial returns.

Venture capital investors usually take equity stakes in young companies that are often disrupting industries or developing new technologies. Platforms like Yieldi allow smaller investors to participate in venture capital with more accessible minimum investment requirements.

  • Why Venture Capital is Appealing: Access to high-growth startups at the beginning of their journey can lead to enormous gains if the company succeeds.
  • Risks: Startups are inherently risky, and many fail. Investors must be prepared for the possibility of losing their entire investment.

Cryptocurrencies: The Future of Finance?

No discussion of alternative investments in 2024 would be complete without mentioning cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital currencies have revolutionized the investment landscape, offering a decentralized form of currency that operates independently of government or financial institutions.

Cryptocurrencies can be volatile, but they have also delivered unparalleled returns for early investors. With the rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), cryptocurrency presents a compelling alternative for tech-savvy investors.

  • Why Crypto Attracts Attention: Cryptocurrencies can yield rapid gains due to their speculative nature. Additionally, blockchain technology is being adopted across multiple industries, signaling future growth potential.
  • Risks: Volatility is the name of the game in the crypto market. Prices can swing dramatically within a day, and regulatory uncertainties still pose risks.

Hedge Funds: Access to Complex and Sophisticated Strategies

Hedge funds are pooled investment vehicles that employ a wide range of strategies to generate high returns. These can include short-selling, arbitrage, and derivatives trading. Hedge funds are known for using complex financial instruments, which can generate outsized gains in both bull and bear markets.

While hedge funds are generally only available to accredited investors, their ability to profit in different market conditions makes them a sought-after alternative investment.

  • Why Hedge Funds Work: Hedge funds are highly versatile and can be used to profit in diverse market conditions.
  • Challenges: Hedge funds often have high fees and minimum investments, making them inaccessible to the average investor.


As we head into 2024, the range of alternative investment examples available to investors is broader than ever. From real estate and private equity to commodities, art, and cryptocurrency, these options allow investors to diversify their portfolios and potentially achieve higher returns. While alternative investments often carry higher risks or require more specialized knowledge, they can serve as valuable tools in building a well-rounded and resilient investment strategy.

For investors interested in exploring these options further, platforms like Yieldi can provide access to some of these alternative investment vehicles, making it easier than ever to diversify and grow wealth.


What are alternative investments?
Alternative investments refer to assets outside traditional categories like stocks and bonds, including real estate, commodities, and venture capital.

How can alternative investments diversify my portfolio?
By offering returns that are often uncorrelated with the stock market, alternative investments can reduce risk and volatility in a portfolio.

Is real estate a good alternative investment?
Yes, real estate is considered a stable and long-term investment that can offer steady returns, especially in times of inflation.

What is the risk of investing in private equity?
Private equity can carry high risks due to its long holding periods and the volatile nature of private markets, but it also offers potential for substantial returns.

How do commodities act as a hedge?
Commodities often move independently of traditional assets, providing a hedge during times of market turbulence or inflation.

Are cryptocurrencies considered a reliable investment?
Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile but can offer impressive returns. They are best suited for risk-tolerant investors interested in speculative opportunities.