
Why Now is a Good and Safe Time to Invest in First Position Loans with an Average Loan to Value of 65%

Reasons to invest in real estate


In the current economic climate, characterized by rising inflation and market volatility, investors are seeking safe and profitable avenues to grow their wealth. One such opportunity is investing in first position loans with an average loan to value (LTV) of 65%. This article explores why now is an opportune time to invest in these loans, how historical data from the 2008 financial crisis supports their safety, and the role Yieldi plays in facilitating secure investments.

Understanding First Position Loans

First position loans are secured loans where the lender has the primary claim on the collateral, typically real estate, in case the borrower defaults. This primary lien position provides a significant layer of security for the investor, as they have the first right to the proceeds from the sale of the collateral.

Why a 65% Loan to Value Ratio is Ideal

The loan to value ratio (LTV) is a critical metric in assessing the risk of a loan. An LTV of 65% means that the loan amount is only 65% of the property’s appraised value, leaving a 35% equity cushion. This conservative ratio significantly mitigates risk because it ensures that even if the property value declines, there is substantial equity to cover the loan.

Impact of Inflation on Investments

Inflation reduces the purchasing power of money, making it essential to invest in assets that can preserve or grow in value. First position loans with a 65% LTV are particularly appealing in an inflationary environment for several reasons:

  • Real Estate Appreciation: Real estate typically appreciates over time, providing a natural hedge against inflation.
  • Fixed Income: The fixed interest payments from these loans offer consistent returns that can outpace inflation.
  • Capital Preservation: The conservative LTV ratio ensures capital preservation even if property values decline.

Historical Perspective: The 2008 Financial Crisis

The 2008 financial crisis serves as a stark reminder of the risks inherent in high-LTV loans. During the crisis, property values plummeted, leading to significant losses for high-LTV loan investors. However, loans with a 65% LTV fared much better. Historical data shows that while the average real estate market fell by about 30-40%, loans with a 65% LTV maintained their safety margin. This demonstrates the resilience and security of low-LTV loans in severe market downturns.

Current Market Conditions and Opportunities

In today’s market, characterized by rising inflation and economic uncertainty, first position loans with a 65% LTV offer a compelling investment opportunity. The demand for real estate remains robust, and the supply of quality secured loans is high. By investing in these loans, investors can achieve stable returns while minimizing their exposure to risk.

The Role of Yieldi in Facilitating Secure Investments

Yieldi is a leading platform that connects investors with high-quality, first position loans. The platform’s rigorous vetting process ensures that each loan meets stringent criteria, providing investors with secure and profitable investment options. Here’s how Yieldi adds value:

  • Thorough Due Diligence: Each loan undergoes comprehensive due diligence to assess the property’s value and the borrower’s creditworthiness.
  • Transparent Processes: Investors have access to detailed information about each loan, enabling informed decision-making.
  • Diversification Opportunities: Yieldi offers a range of loan options, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios.

Benefits of Investing in First Position Loans

  • Security: First position loans offer the highest claim on the collateral, reducing the risk of loss.
  • Stability: Fixed interest payments provide consistent returns, even in volatile markets.
  • Inflation Hedge: Real estate’s tendency to appreciate over time protects against inflation.
  • Risk Mitigation: A 65% LTV ensures a significant equity buffer, safeguarding the investment.


Investing in first position loans with an average loan to value of 65% is a prudent strategy in today’s inflationary environment. Historical data from the 2008 financial crisis highlights the safety and resilience of these investments. Yieldi offers a reliable platform for accessing these opportunities, providing investors with secure, profitable, and inflation-resistant investment options.


What are first position loans? First position loans are secured loans where the lender has the primary claim on the collateral if the borrower defaults.

Why is a 65% loan to value ratio considered safe? A 65% LTV is considered safe because it provides a substantial equity cushion, ensuring the loan amount is well below the property’s value, reducing the risk of loss.

How does inflation impact real estate investments? Inflation erodes the value of money, but real estate typically appreciates over time, providing a hedge against inflation. Additionally, fixed loan payments maintain their value relative to inflation.

What happened to high-LTV loans during the 2008 financial crisis? During the 2008 crisis, property values dropped significantly, causing high-LTV loans to default and resulting in substantial losses for investors. However, loans with lower LTV ratios, such as 65%, remained secure.

How does Yieldi ensure the quality of the loans listed on its platform? Yieldi conducts thorough due diligence on each loan, assessing the property’s value and the borrower’s creditworthiness. The platform provides transparent information, enabling investors to make informed decisions.

Why should I consider investing in first position loans now? Investing in first position loans with a 65% LTV offers a secure and stable return, especially in the current inflationary environment. These loans provide a significant equity cushion, protecting your investment even if property values decline.